Love Has No Labels
The most successful PSA campaign ever.
Within 24 hours of its debut in February 2015, the campaign’s iconic launch video had been viewed 11 million times. It was a viral sensation and became the second most viewed and shared public service ad in history, in just three weeks.
Video Views
Weekly Organic Reach
Social Footprint
The launch video used unexpected reveals to challenge implicit bias. It went viral instantly with 2.6 million shares.
Cannes Lions, Emmy, Mashies, Facebook Studio Awards, Clios—these are just a few of the accolades the Love Has No Labels campaign has received since the launch in February 2015. We’re proud to have worked with the Ad Council and R/GA on this award-winning effort to promote diversity and inclusion.
The challenge
In 2015, Gay Marriage Equality was going to the Supreme Court and diversity and inclusion was on the minds of many. The Ad Council set out to get people in touch with the heady concept of implicit bias, and R/GA delivered the perfect video.
Our solution
HelpGood headed up the video launch and social media strategy which notably relied on donated media only.
Our exclusive partnership with UpWorthy launched the video to a socially conscious crowd that loved it instantly. Within days the campaign video went viral, reaching 40 million and becoming a global phenomenon.
HelpGood boosted the media coverage at every turn and kept the content flowing on social. At the height of the campaign’s popularity, our content was reaching 1 million people per week… organically.
By July 2015, the Supreme Court legalized Gay Marriage and the US ushered in a new era for diversity and inclusion.
At the height of the campaign in 2015, the hashtag #LoveHasNoLabels reached millions of people every day.